A smooth, flexible CMS to create the designs you like,
built on top of the powerful Django framework.

Tag multilingual

Django 1.7 and 1.8 support is here!

All packages have been upgraded to support Django 1.7 and 1.8! Since Django 1.8 is a new long-term-support release, we’ve fast-tracked those releases to make the latest features available.

These features include:

  • Multilingual support for all modules
  • Multisite support for all modules
  • Python 3 support!
  • Improved caching for performance
  • Additional SEO fields (e.g. page title)

For existing projects, you may want to upgrade to Django 1.7 only, until all other projects have migrated.
In our case, that is django-categories and django-contrib-comments.

New versions

Use the following versions in your requirements file:

django-fluent-pages >= 0.9
-fluent-contents >= 1.0.1
-fluent-blogs >= 1.0
-fluent-dashboard >= 0.5
-fluent-comments >= 1.0.2


Any requirements will be installed, but you can state these explicitly:

django-admin-tools >= 0.5.2
-any-imagefield >= 0.8.2
-any-urlfield >= 2.1.1
-fluent-utils >= 1.2.1
-polymorphic >= 0.7
-parler >= 1.4
-polymorphic-tree >= 1.1
-tag-parser >= 2.1
-taggit >= 0.13
-taggit-autosuggest >= 0.2.7
-analyzer >= 1.5
-threadedcomments >= 1.0b1
-tinymce >= 1.5.3
-wysiwyg >= 0.7.0

# For debugging:
-debugtools >= 1.3


Note: upgrading from Django 1.6

Once you use Django 1.7, the included South migrations are ignored. Hence, when upgrading both Django and the CMS pacakges you need to upgrade the CMS modules first while keeping the project on Django 1.6. After deploying that on production (so migrations have been applied), you can remove South and upgrade the project to Django 1.7. The native Django migrations will be applied (faked in fact).

Note: Comments module on Django 1.7/1.8

In Django 1.7 and 1.8, comments module relies on the new django-contrib-comments module. This is not compatible with Django 1.8 yet, please help these guys create a new release! In the meantime, use the following requirement to have Django 1.7 support:

# For proper Django 1.7 support:
# Place before django-fluent-comments or django-threadedcomments, so it installs this first
-e git+https://github.com/django/django-contrib-comments.git@8a99ed810e9e94cb9dff1c362b2c4ebe2e37dead#egg=django-contrib-comment


Try it out, and let us know how it works!

Any issues can be posted in the GitHub issue trackers, posted at the django-fluent mailinglist or asked at #django-fluent on Freenode.

New beta releases of all packages, for improved multilingual and Django 1.7 support

New packages of the django-fluent apps have been released.
These packages support the latest multilingual features (such as translatable SEO fields),
and Django 1.7 support is included for most apps.

The following package versions can be used in the requirements.txt for Django 1.7 support:

django-fluent-pages >=0.9b4
-fluent-contents >=1.0c3
-fluent-blogs >=1.0b4

If you've used the previous beta versions, please note the upgrade notices. Some things had to be changed in a backwards-incompatible way for Django 1.7 support and multilingual support in SEO fields. See: https://github.com/edoburu/django-fluent-pages/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#upgrade-notices for all details.

Any dependencies will be installed automatically:

django-admin-tools >=0.5.2
-any-imagefield >=0.8.2
-any-urlfield >=2.0.3
-polymorphic >=0.6
-parler >=1.2.1
django-polymorphic-tree >=1.0.1
-tag-parser >=2.0
-taggit >=0.12.2
-taggit-autosuggest ==0.2.5
-tinymce >=1.5.3
-wysiwyg >=0.7.0

Note, the following packages are not checked yet for Django 1.7 support:

django-fluent-dashboard >=0.3.6
-fluent-comments >=1.0b1

The project template has also been improved and updated:

django-parler 1.0 is out!

To make creating multilingual websites easier, django-parler 1.0 has just been released! This package allows creating translatable user data, by translating Django model fields.

The release includes full documentation, and a few other awesome features:

  • Python 3 support
  • Caching translations for performance
  • Prefetch support for performance
  • Support translatable slugs
  • Switch the language of the current page easily.
  • Easy migration for projects that used django-hvad before.
  • ORM methods for filtering translated models.

This is also the base for the next release of django-fluent-pages and django-fluent-contents, which also have multilingual support in git.

The road to multilingual support

In the current git-versions of django-fluent, multilingual support has been added. The translation support is based on django-parler.

Not django-hvad?

Our original plan was to use django-hvad as backend module. However, this turned out to be very difficult. The sad truth is that while django-hvad has a nice admin interface, table layout and model API, it also overrides much of the default behavior of querysets, the admin and model metaclasses. Currently, this prevents combining django-hvad with django-polymorphic or django-mptt, which are both used in django-fluent-pages.

A fresh start...

When investigating other multilingual packages, they either appeared to be outdated, store translations in the same table (too inflexible for us) or only provided a model API. Hence, there was a need for a new solution, using a simple, crude but effective API.

To get things started, multilingual support was coded directly within django-fluent-pages, while keeping a future django-hvad transition in mind. Instead of doing metaclass operations, the "shared model" just proxied all attributes to the translated model (all manually constructed). Queries just had to be performed using.filter(translations__title=..). This proved to be a sane solution and quickly it turned out that this code deserved a separate package. Some other modules (i.e. blogging, and shared contents) needed this functionality too.

..leading to django-parler

End of the story: we've created a new package; django-parler. As the tagline states, it easily translates "cheese omelet" into "omelette du fromage". :-) This package is an attempt to combine the best of both worlds; the API simplicity of django-hvad with the crude, but effective solution of proxying translated attributes. And yes, we've added some metaclass magic too - to make life easier - without loosing the freedom of manually using the API at your will.

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