A smooth, flexible CMS to create the designs you like,
built on top of the powerful Django framework.

Django 2.0 support is here!

Long time no blog.. However, this one brings some good news!

Most of our packages have been updated to support Django 2.0. They are easily to recognize, because all upgraded packages have been given a “2.0” version number. This choice simplifies the version management across all packages, and marks a clear support baseline.

The 2.0 packages support Django 1.10, 1.11 and 2.0. If you still run on Django 1.8, you can use the 1.x series. There have been a few backports to ease the transition for old projects. Available are:

django-fluent-blogs == 2.0
django-fluent-comments == 2.0
django-fluent-contents == 2.0
django-fluent-dashboard == 1.0
django-fluent-pages == 2.0.2
django-fluent-utils == 2.0
fluentcms-button == 2.0
fluentcms-contactform == 2.0
fluentcms-cookielaw == 2.0
fluentcms-countdown == 1.2
fluentcms-emailtemplates == 2.0
fluentcms-googlemaps == 1.4  # dependencies still need upgrading
fluentcms-jumbotron == 2.0
fluentcms-pager == 2.0
fluentcms-privatenotes == 2.0

The dependencies may not follow this version scheme, but are nonetheless compatible with Django 2.0:

django-any-imagefield == 0.9
django-any-urlfield == 2.4.2
django-parler == 1.9.1
django-polymorphic == 2.0
django-polymorphic-tree == 1.5
django-tag-parser == 3.1
django-template-analyzer == 1.6.1
django-wysiwyg == 0.7.1

One of the visible changes is the dashboard intro page, It uses flaticons now, to modernize the look!

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